~cosarara's feels

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06 december 2020

Suuunday. Yesterday we had a barbecue at a friend's house. Celebrating his birthday and upcoming son. We ended up eating (lunch) at 6pm, good thing we had potato chips and olives. 2 bottles of really good wine in 3 people. So nice. Then we ended up staying for dinner, and by extension to sleep because of the curfew. We ordered through uber eats, but since that house is in the middle of nowhere, most restaurants don't reach it. Pretty bad sushi, pretty late. Then really good whisky.

We tried a game called Maid of Sker, on the switch. It has really good reviews but it turned out to be shit honestly. Switched to BOTW.

Slept in the couch next to a cat. Woke up by noon and did Advent of Code 5 and 6 on a python repl on my phone. Then when the hosts woke up we had coffee and then I drove back home. Good feels.