"Modders": __calcium AlzarinRed Games Repainted kawaiikaorichan Lady Lunanova MainMemory Xitter sucks because of: _SrPelo_ AmazonChique BasedTransPosts Bobposting Clara Sorrenti/Keffals cuppucoffee DAclassicgamer/DAepikartman darlingstrawb Doobus Goobus Erin Reed Ezramouse fantano Gamechamp3k (more like Fetish Chimp lol) KairiHawk Katherine Gibes/TransSalamander Lady Emily Lady Lunanova LibsOfTiktok (more like Fibs of Tiktok) Lilith Lovett Liz Fong-Jones The Nintendude OneyNG PearlTrans RosieRoberta Saberspark Saltydkdan Sean Sohr ThatOneCalledRPG UltimateDSEris YouTube (more like ThemTube at this point): 24 Frames of Nick 8thPlaceDave A-TrainRoblox Acheeto The Act Man/Act Man TV Adam Rhodes 536 ADN MARIO FUN/BOX STORY GAME/other Elsagatesque trash that looks AI-generated aDrive AintNoobie akidearest Alpha Jay Show/Castoon Alpharad+Alpharad Platinum+Alpharad LIVE (more like Betarad lol) Altrive Another Matt Playing Isaac Anthony Padilla Artcord Collaborative Asmongold TV/Asmongold Clips Atop the Fourth Wall Awesomemay (more like awfulmay) Aztrocist BaptismOnFire BeatEmUps beat fox15 beerpup Bennett the Sage Blooms boogie2988 Brandon Buckingham Bringle BruhaTheImp Caddicarus/Caddy Sleeps CandyEvie/Luvie CaptainKidd Cartoonshi Cas van de Pol CDawgVA Channel Frederator/CartoonHangover/The Leaderboard/Get in the Robot/Outside the Robot Channel Pup/Sunset City chaomix Chickeninja42 Chris Bores Neo/Irate Gamer CircleToonsHD cjya+cjya Vods The Completionist(ic Thief lol) ContraPoints Craig Thompson/Mini Ladd CybeR Cybershell+Cybershell & Knuckles dabhdude DAGames Daily Dose of Internet Danger Dolan/Super Planet Dolan/Dolan Dark DeliciousJames Doobus Goobus DougDoug/DougDougDoug/DougDougDougDoug/DougDougOfficiallyUnofficial/The Abyss in Dougs Basement Dovendraw/ExtraDoven DPadGamer DramaAlert Drew Gooden Dr Shaym Dumbsville EazySpeezy/EaziestSpeezy Eddy Burback (more like Reddy Burntback lol) Egoraptor/Game Grumps (more like Game Slumps or Game Rumps) ElectricDragon505/AniMat Electronic Heroes (ironically make animations about villians) Elvis The Alien Embankment Emirichu EmpLemon EverythingisDND F1NN5TER Failboat Filter final V3 Fir FishMTG Flamingo flamingo fan Flazefire Foekoe FoldingIdeas Fredrik Knudsen Freezai gabi belle Game Apologist Gamechamp3000 (just watch Game Center CX instead) The Game Chasers TheGamerFromMars Game Sack+Game Sack Skits Garrolous64 Gigguk GiIvaSunner/SiIvaGunner Glass (the Flamingo of VRChat) GLITCH/SMG4/Weegiepie h3h3 Productions Hack the Movies HarleyTBS HatsOffMedia (NOT to be confused with the seemingly superior Hats Off Entertainment) hbomberguy Hunicast Hunter Smells idubbbz I Hate Everything iiluminaughtii/iiluminaughtea illymation imonlyhereforpikmin (then GTFO) Infinite Bits Internet Anarchist Internet Historian/Incognito Mode IntroSpektive ItsAGundam jacksepticeye Jacob R Jaiden[Animations] (shut the hell up for once) JakeandJoelareMagic Jake and Logan Paul Jarvis Johnson! (fool's) GOLD Jenny Nicholson Jetsen Jimmy Rowe JobbytheHong Johnny 2 Cellos/Johnny 2 Cozy JREG Jrose11 jschlatt+jschlattLIVE Just a Robot Justin Bae Just Stop/Just Go KaggyFilms Kappy Karl Andersson Karl Jobst Knarfy KrackerJack kreecri KSI KumoCommentary Kwite Kwote Lady "I don't have that money" Decade Laugh[ability] Lazy Mattman LegalEagle Level UP! lewissmle lexrobloxx Liam Triforce LiaRblox Lily & Mikaila [Orchard] Linkus7 Linus Tech Tips/Techquickie/ShortCircuit/TechLinked (How many channels do these numbskulls want?!) LolcowLive Lost Pause LS Mark/Midnight Mark/Splash Dash/Meeting Halfway (Gen Z's Lily Orchard) Ludwig+Ludwig VODs Lute Lythero Magic The Noah maldhound MandatoryPixel Mangs Marc Lovallo Marshal Does Stuff Matan Even MatterBoar CLIPS Matt Fradd (more like Matt Fraud lol) Matt McMuscles Mawde Wile MD Genjin MeatCanyon Memeulous Misty Chronexia MorePegasus Mother's Basement MrBeast/MrBeast 2/MrBeast Gaming/Beast Reacts MrCreepypasta My Life in Gaming (what a stupid name) Nawnii nicholasdeorio Nitty Noodle Nux Taku/nuxanor Nyarly O3 OneyNG/OneyPlays(WithMyEyes)/OneySays/SleepyCast/SleepyCabin oompaville packwatch Pat the NES Punk (more like Pat the Cringe Drunk) pChal penguinz0/HugeCharles/Penguinz0 Soggiest Clips/Moist Cr1tikal Clips/Moist Charlie Clips/Moist Moments/Moistcr1tikal Reacts To/Critical Reacts/critikal compilations (A Dose of Buckley is, has been, and will always be better) Pexto PhoenixSC pkrussl Plainrock124 Pod Town PointCrow Poki[mane]+Pokimane Too PragerU Press A! ProJared/Now in the 90s ProZD Pyrocynical/PyroLIVE QuantumTV Quinton Reviews ralphthemoviemaker Ranking EVERYTHING With Memes Rarran Raymundo 2112 raysfire RebelTaxi RedFalcon RelaxAlax Retroblasting ReviewTechUSA Rev [says desu] RGT 85 Rikanon RoDev RTGame Ryan Presents Saberspark+Saberspark 64+Saberspark Highlights Saltydkdan SaltyPhish SamHuggins Sample Sarah Z Schaffrillas Productions Scott the Woz/Scott's Stash/Scott's Snippets secretgoombaman12345/RidiculousCake Seer sensitive soci3ty Senza Shigloo shoe0nhead ShortFatOtaku Shyguymask SilokHawk SimianJimmy Sleigher SmallAnt+SmallAnt VODs (more like SmallDick) SockStudios SomeOrdinaryGamers+SomeOrdinaryPodcast/SomeOrdinaryHighlights SonnyTM Sophist/Party Crashers The Spiffing Brit Spilled Ink Sr Pelo+Pelo Streams (more like Pee-low lol) SSSniperWolf Stardust stanz Steve Reviews Stryder7x Summoning Salt The Sunshine Feeler Super Bunnyhop Super Eyepatch Wolf tamago[2474] Technoblade TerminalMontage+TerminalMontage Clips TetraBitGaming TheAlbhinoRhino (learn how to spell lol) TheAlmightyLoli The Lovelies FAN CHANNEL (How much more stupid can it sound?) TheMysteriousMrEnter (get your sh** together for once) TierZoo Tipster Top Hat Gaming Man (more like Top Hat Begging Man, according to retrowatcher) Trash Taste (The Anime Man[child] is a creep, apparently) Twobold UltimateDSfan/UltimateHellscape/8BitComms Vaush/The Vaush Pit verbalase Veridis Joe VerifiedUser videogamedunkey vinesauce and its subchannels vinhighlights WatchMojo.com/MsMojo We Are Not Alive Wendigoon WhatCulture and its subchannels (more like ButtCulture) WIRED (Makes Me TIRED) WolfeyVGC Wondermat WULFF DEN Xploshi xQc YMS/YMS Highlights/YMS Clips/YMS Watch-Alongs/AnUnkindness/Sardonicast Zeurel other a**holes and enablers I'm sure I've forgotten the names of Groups: 3GI Productions 764 advanced.gg allthefallen Archive of Our Own Explosm Fangamer gamersupps.gg GaMetal (say it out loud) Gnarpedia/No Limits Blox/Skibidi Farms kikagoods The Living Tombstone lolcow.farm Maestro Media Natural High Nicalis (insert Nicholas Cage joke here) No Limits Fun Ownaj Programancer Prostasis Foundation Puyo Nexus Retroware/Screenwave Media/Silvermania/TooManyGames/Underbelly (Hey, it's Justin!) Sharkrobot Sonic Paradox (more like small pair of cocks lol) Spindlehorse Studio71 Studio Yotta Uncute (and unfunny) uwumarket Youtooz Misc/Multi-platform: Alex Altera Amanda Lochmann Angela Ho Arcadia Ava Tyson Azzyland Belle Delphine benthelooney BlueFolf BlueMaxima Bowblax Bryce Cherry/dev-catscratch Bungo Taiga Chris Niosi/Kirbopher Chris Ray Gun Corey Wilder CWC Cyraxx DaishinEijirou Daniel Larson Daniel Shaw//sawblade666 Dansburst Studios David Firth Edmund McMillen/edmundmog/souldescen/Bluebaby (more like McVillian lol) emray fallenchungus/datsmojo Fetty Fave/ROBLOXFave Florian Himsl/Gamesquidable Froge gone_fishinq Goonclown Griffin Puatu Grummz Harry Partridge Hector Martin/Asahi Lina Hunter Avallone Ian Jones-Quartey Jack Doherty Jacob Lenard Jake Ganz Jared Michael Aycock jaxamoto JerseyFurry/TapWrench Jimbo Phillips Justin Roiland JelloApocalypse Joel Guerra Jolly Biscuit Jonathan Kim/Personasama Josh Tomar Joshua Moon/Null/Mad at the Internet (more like Bad at the Internet) Karerak Karl Hamburger (more like Karl Hypocrite) Karl Jacobs Kasuga39 Kellen Goff Layla Reyes/SunWitchVT Luke Smith Maddox (more like Sadcucks lol) Mariel Cartwright/Kinuko/kinucakes Marques Brownlee/MKBHD Marwa As(s)four/HillaryShea/DJ 747 SPLASH Max Gilardi/hotdiggedydemon Mick Lauer/RicePirate Mike Inel MontyMonferno MovieBob Mystic Mongrel NedWolfkin Nicholas Perry/Niko[cunt]o Avocado[pe] ninja_muffin99 Nitrolord noeieye Paul Robertson Peter Murray Hill/Z0NE/ZONE-SAMA/Zone Archive/Zone Toons/ZTV Phong Tran/S2PID/S2LSOFTENER Pipkin Pippa Purple Kecleon Ray Rants raxdgames Razorfist Rebeccah Kruleski/Rebeccah Starlight/StarGiantess/Star Giant Productions Rocky Rakoon SB99stuff Sergio Leonardo Cornejo Sewerslvt Shadbase/Shadman/TheShadling Shmorky Sir Moresty SolidMario Sophie Labelle Spazkid StampyTV Stealth_Brock Strawhat Bink SuperSpoe/officialshitlord Suzanne Berhow/Moretemer Terry Davis Thomas Guerra/LioConvoy/LioMan2/LioManBad/OldManBoomer Thomas Hanson/Turkey Tom/TomDark/TomDarkLIVE/anonbirdd Tom Bunk Triple-Q TygreCub Veronica Gallardo McConville/veronicaandjelly/Beeronica Vince Vantage Vinson Ngo/Bleedman Vivziepop Warren_Smith William Cannon/Peppermint Swirl Willymac Zach Hadel/psychicpebbles/psychoticpebbles In conclusion: nearly everyone is terrible!