First week of Face to Face, and my thoughts
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Finally, after the past 2 years, face to face classes are now back, due to the amount of people being vaccinated against COVID and the eventual reopening.
Now, I'm Grade 8 and here's what really happened during the first week of classes.
August 22, a.k.a the time I socialize with people again. (Man this is a very, very long time.) After a mishap of me almost falling to a river (luckily, I'm fine, with wounds), it's a nice day, we did an orientation, and elected our classmates, and also know them better. We also did a body map, but honestly, it's a pretty good day for me. The day continues like a normal school day but yeah, it's a fine day.
Heavy rains because of a typhoon really hits hard. The day startted fine as well, with us taking pre-tests in various subjects. We take an another activity about mental and social health, and the MAPEH class is really fun, and we came home by noon since it was announced that there wouldn't be classes later on the day and in the following day. Me and my neighbor got wet because we thought our service would be on the front gate but we later know that it would go the back gate. The day ends pretty roughly.
After a day of rain, I showed up in class again, and this time, we showed up our body maps. It was fun, especially with our classmate showing her body map and laughing out of shyness, and we have a good time, with pre-tests for the other subjects. It goes along pretty roughly, especially math, since what the heck is a x+y? The cases of kidnapping rises, and I am pretty, pretty worried about my wellbeing, so I waited to my service to arrive.
The last day of the week was pretty nice, with me being good at recessitations, and the news about a fight in Walter Mart (yes, the school was in a front of a mall), quickly being spread, which is unfortunate. The day was full of some lessons, with us going home at 4pm, since our Journalism class was canceled due to scheduling and room space reasons. But rain unexpectly came, with flooding almost reaching our classroom. It was a time of me socializing with my classmates, it's a really fun moment in the classroom.
And that's how the first week of face to face classes felt like to me. It was really refreshing, since we have modular learning for like the past 2 years. It's a fun time socializing with people again, instead of my little sister again and again. It was great seeing our country recovering from a pandemic, even with the imminent danger of Monkeypox. It was a real good time.
It's been a while after I wrote blog posts in my blog again. It was a long while, and I think It's the time I make one. The past months is pretty quiet, but I tried stuff like RISC OS and the ammount of GNU/Linux distributions and Unix based ones like FreeBSD. I hope this fills a gap, and yeah, I hope you're fine. See ya!